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January is School Board Recognition Month

January is School Board Recognition Month and we are celebrating our trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district and our students. 

The theme of this year's School Board Recognition Month is Forward, Together, which highlights the collaboration among school leadership, teachers, and parents on behalf of students. 

"Recognizing the efforts of our volunteer school board is so important because of all the hard work our trustees put into making our district a success," said Dr. Todd Stephens, Superintendent.

Some of the recent items our Board has accomplished are:

  • Passage of $228 million bond to address growth and safety and security upgrades
  • Approve the lowest tax rate in over 20 years ($1.1472). The second lowest in Montgomery County.
  • Savings of over $56 million through our bond defeasance plan.
  • Commitment to $1.5 million to safety and security for Precinct 5 Constables at each campus

Board members serving are:

Chuck Adcox, President 
Dr. Travis Moffatt, Vice President 
Joe Duncan, Secretary
Sonja Ebel, Assistant Secretary
Jay Michals, Trustee
Gary Blizzard, Trustee
Dacia Owens, Trustee

You can learn more about our Board here.